Selected LABM data

Online Angular scans to determine IP location (February 2021)

Angular scans for three telescopes (all PMTs) (pdf, 9 pages).

Quadratic beamstrahlung fits, 3 telescopes, last 24 days of 2021 Spring run

Long term averages to suppress background fluctuations. Third telescope (positron UP) is saturated. See link below.

Opposite currents correlations for three telescopes (all PMTs) (pdf, 9 pages).

Topological evidence for beamstrahlung (last 24 days 2021 Spring Run).

Fine grained heat maps for signal parameter, electron UP. Electron DOWN had a wide collimator and could not resolve detail. Positron UP was saturated so just the fine grained rate heat map is shown, which does have a square region consistent with point-like source.

Fine grained heat maps (UP telescopes) (pdf, 9 pages).